Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Neighborhood Market Finds A Way to Give Back

One Of A Kind NLV Neighborhood Market Finds A Way to Give Back.

 Jimmy Banks owner and operator of Jimmy’s Cheyenne Market and Carolyn J. Essex Candidate for Assembly District 7 2010, will give donated toys and gift cards to needy community children on Wednesday, Dec. 23rd, 2009 from 10am – 3pm.  More than 50 neighborhood families called in to reserve their spot at this year’s Toy Drive, completely fueled by customers and face book fans of Jimmy’s Cheyenne Market.

"This is a reflection of our North Las Vegas community.  We must look out for not only our own needs but the need of others says Assembly 7 candidate Carolyn Essex a local community and political activist who helped to organize the Toy Drive.  

Jimmy Banks is a recent recipient of the “Community Pride” award at last month’s “A Night to Honor Community Heroes” event, held at the NLV Pearson Community Center.  The local neighborhood group awarded Jimmy because of his open door policy to all who need to distribute pertinent and important information to his customer base which is diverse and closely representative of the surrounding neighborhood.  Jimmy has been in the grocery and neighborhood market business for over 30 years.

On any given day or night you might see various community groups having a meet and greet network event or community activists and leaders meeting to discuss the needs of the community in the store’s community room.

Along with the “Toy Drive” on Wednesday, Dec. 23rd, the market is helping a local energy assistance agency in getting the word out to the community that there are grants available to help with utility bills.  Once approved, the recipient can receive federally funded assistance for their utility bills for one full year which can be renewed every year through an application process.

A local toy maker, Rex Doty has donated 100 handmade wooden toy cars and trucks to the Toy Drive and Kenneth Willis (Energy Assistance Program-MACEO, Inc.) will coordinate the intake effort for the energy assistance program.

For further details, please contact Nina Griffin, marketing and community outreach coordinator for Jimmy’s Cheyenne Market at (702) 219-6882.
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